Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Black Dog Posts

Looking for the black dog posts that Randy Beach wrote about in the New Haven Register and Peter Applebome wrote about in the NY Times? There are two. The first (Jan. 6) tells the tale of the black dog of the Hanging Hills of Meriden. The second (Jan. 22) shows what may be the first ever photo of the black dog, by Michael Anastasio, who snapped it after the beast appeared behind him, as if out of nowhere, during a visit to Castle Craig, atop the hills, in 2004. Visit for our guides to exploring Connecticut's geology, dinosaur fossils, natural habitats and fishing.


At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the images of the black dog I took. I think the story being featured in the New Haven Register, NY Post, and your blog really helps tell the story of the legend. Many people have contacted me since your blog post. Thank you again for listening, and for sending your books. Me and my son Talon (15 months) will be utilizing the information and plan some really cool outings. Thanks Again! -Sarge


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